Why choose BullsEye?
Firstly, BullsEye classes are convenient and personal. You can schedule a private class for as few as one student. You can schedule a private class for three or more students with no extra cost. After you complete a BullsEye CCW class, qualifying with a handgun you want to add to your permit is free and can usually be completed within a week at your convenience!
Secondly, BullsEye classes are held at a comfortable classroom and adjacent shooting range. This means you don’t have to run around to different locations. You don’t have to turn an eight hour CCW class into a nine, ten or eleven hour class waiting your turn with dozens of other students on a monthly “range day”. You don’t have to shoot at distracting public ranges or noisy indoor ranges with people who are not in your class handling firearms nearby you. If you want less stress and more comfort, BullsEye is your choice.

Thirdly, most other concealed carry courses in Redding, Shasta County or Siskiyou County make you shoot alongside many other students at public ranges. At BullsEye, only 2, 3 or 4 other students at a private range. Does sharing the attention of the instructor with 10 or 20 other students who are handling loaded guns work as well as sharing the instructor with a few students? Who is watching the shooters handling their loaded guns at public ranges who are not part of your class?

And fourthly. The owner and instructor of BullsEye is Christopher Ewens. Chris instructs every BullsEye class. Hundreds of times Chris has diagnosed significant shooting deficiencies in students who previously completed classes provided by other CCW instructors in the north state. He helped thousands of law enforcement officers and citizens to improve their skills over the past 38 years. No range mishaps have occurred in all those years of instruction. Chris provides the safety, attention, efficiency, and experience you want.